Common issues

1. I assume you have already tried a conventional restart (power cycle), which did not clear the issue. If not, I suggest that as the first step to begin a successful troubleshooting procedure.

2. Watch and follow my video below for a complete guide on cold start a digital device that will clear all the problems.

The simplest solution may be the one that we miss every time 🙂

3. The top navigation icons take you to the brands and technology-specific troubleshooting pages for more help. 

If my video above didn't help to solve your issue, follow the hardware-specific guides below that closely resemble the symptoms in the device. 

Power supply, adapter

Symptoms: In general, electronic devices go dead primarily because the battery is fully drained or cannot be recharged anymore because its natural life has ended. Another reason can be the power supply or adapter blew a fuse, or one of its components has failed, or the cables that supply electricity from the wall socket to the power supply or adapter are damaged. 

Solution: Begin with making sure there is a steady supply of electricity and it reaches all way to the power supply or adapter. This can be measured with an analogue voltmeter. 

Symptoms: The sound of a spinning fan that starts up gradually. Flickering display. Flashing power light. This can mean a component failure and/or the battery has failed.

Solution: If the power supply or adapter is connected to the device, remove it, wait for 5 minutes, and try to Power On the device without connecting the power supply or adapter. If there is no power light now it means that the battery is completely drained and requires a full recharge. Follow the above "The device is completely dead" solution first and then connect the power supply or adapter properly to the device. Let the battery recharge for 3 to 5 hours and follow this solution from the beginning.

Power On, Startup, boot up, loading

Symptoms: Unusual or abnormal high pitched screeching or grinding sounds when the computer starts up, and then disappears or it continues. The symptoms can be as intermittent as frequent or occasional. 

Solution: This symptom indicates an issue with fans. Desktops, Workstations, Servers and all laptops with fans can have these symptoms. Desktops, Workstations, Servers have power supply modules that have fans too. Due to age or continuous usage the rotating mechanisms of these fans will wear out and also dry up the lubrication and cause high friction that produces screeching sounds. These fans are not user serviceable and must be replaced.

Symptoms:  Relates to computers with mechanical Drives (HDDs) and not SSDs (Solid State Drives). Not related to beeping. The computer is slow in its response or gets hanged after a while. Restarts and then works normally but hangs again. Loops the symptoms. The issue may be intermittent.

Solution: With age and continuous usage and use case or application (not app), mechanical drives or Hard Disk Drives wear out and also lose data read/write capabilities. If the computer is working normally this symptom indicates that it is about to fail. Immediately back up all your important files (documents, photos, videos, music, etc). The troubleshooting depends on the type of computing device (desktop, workstation, laptop). If there are more than one physical hard drive inside the computer, it is better to check which one is producing the symptoms. (I recommend seeking my assistance). If the problem is with the system hard drive it requires replacement immediately. In case of a desktop and you know how to safely open up the computer and run inspection while it is powered up and running, go ahead and do so. Caution: Do Not open any computer without wearing grounding wires. You should be able to judge which area the sound is emanating from. Shutdown / Power down the computer. Remove all power connections from the wall outlet coming to the computer (cables, power supply or adapter cables). Remove all power cables from the computer. Remove all battery connections (laptops and other devices). Remove the hard drive fastening screws or slot locks very carefully. Pack the hard drive securely in a static electricity free pouch. Visit your local computer hardware shop and buy one identical to the original. Fix the new hard drive. The next step requires installing the operating system. To proceed check the relevant Operating System developer or manufacturer from the top menu. In that section I have listed how to install operating systems on new hard drives. 

Symptoms: This applies to older computers. When powered up the computer beeps continuously and or the screen displays either a static logo, or a dark or black screen, or moving lines, or boxes, or moving text all over the screen. There can be other symptoms similar to this. Even a Red, Green or Blue screen either flashing or not. 

Solution: Pay close attention to the symptoms and it may be evident where the problem is. If the beeping seems according to a pattern, check out this section about beeping. If your computer is connected to an external monitor (which is used as the primary monitor) confirm the video cable is good and connected snugly on both sides. Loose cables can produce abnormal display behavior. The symptoms indicate a hardware component fault. A processor, memory, embedded video, video card, chipset, BIOS corruption, power supply unit, internal power control circuitry are the suspects. If the beeps disappear after some time, and the garbled display keeps changing and is you can make out parts of the desktop or any other known screens, it indicates the Operating System is being loaded from the storage (HDD SSD). The video adapter is faulty. In the case of laptops it requires qualified and experienced techs to do the repair. In the case of desktops and workstations it can repaired by a the user with good knowledge of hardware and computer repair safety. Caution: Do Not open any computer without wearing grounding wires

Display Monitor Screen







Keyboard Mouse







Pen, External Trackpads and Touchpads







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